We customize HR solutions to meet your need, we do not limit you to only the conventional ways of doing things but bring innovative methods to bring efficiency into what you do. Our Human Resource solutions are unending just like the issues around them

Why Us?

We are:
Flexible πŸ’ͺ🏾   Professional πŸ‘”   Innovative πŸ’‘   Efficient ⚑️   Proactive πŸƒπŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

Smart Start SL Ltd is led by an HR professional with over 10 years work experience in the HR field and has worked in various industries in Sierra Leone, it is very clear there are similarities but major peculiarities in various industries when it comes to the labor laws in Sierra Leone.

As we translate our passion to build a better workforce in Sierra Leone we are granting a 10% discount to organisation led by women. For any time you advertise with us you will earn points, 10 points will give you a free job advert with us.

Do a smart referral today and earn yourself 10% of the worth of the revenue generated through that client.


Legal & Regulatory

We work with the Ministry of Labour to process certified documents
We obtain your relevant documents for your seamless operation

Total rewards package

Compensation and Benefits Planning and Design
Executive Compensation
Compensation and Benefits Benchmarking
Custom Compensation and Benefits Surveys
Compensation Administration and Internal Communication

Talent Management

Talent Pipeline
Talent Acquisition
Performance Management
Succession Planning
Employee Engagement
Employee Relations

Our services

Employee Recognition

Recruitment and job placements

HR on Retainer

Corporate Training

HR legal and regulatory guide

Specialized HR project management

Smart and Easy HR

Job Advertisements

Who we work with

Many people think HR is very simple and you don’t need to be a professional to do the job as an HR but our clients think otherwise after choosing us. One thing stood out and that is our professionalism and dedication to excellence in delivering our service. Our knowledge in the employment laws of Sierra Leone is exquisite and we can ensure our clients are fully compliant with all employment legislation so we can get your business shipshape in no time at all, but we do it in a way that makes your people feel valued. We personalise HR to fit your needs. Our creative & innovative way of thinking has resulted in a track record of incredible clients, here are a few of them

Domestic Helpers Organisation